Why You Should Use Retail Pro

Retail store owners who are looking for a viable way to manage their inventory system while making it easier for them to give specific discounts to their customers should consider using Retail Pro as their back-end software. Retail Pro is a user-friendly solution and many Retail Pro NYC business partners find it very easy to use. And your retail business might benefit from it, too.

Training staff and selling products using Retail Pro is a breeze. Store owners all agree in saying that they were able to save valuable man-hours by hiring seasonal staff and training them through the available online videos. After the training period, they become familiar with the system’s fully customizable user interface, thus allowing them to effectively sell items online, offline, and through the phone.

POS & Retail Management

One of the most difficult aspects of a retail business is inventory management. Retail Pro offers the simplest solution for unified ecommerce management. The software allows for total control of multi-currency, multi-subsidiary and multi-tax retail transactions for sellers in almost 130 countries.

It offers the seamless integration of e-commerce, ERP, CRM, RFID and loyalty programs, while also assuring compatibility with other similar software that uses API integration. And the best thing about it is the way it can be used in across all devices, such as iOS, Android, and Windows for mobile devices and all the known platforms used on laptop and desktop computers.

Retail Pro can be customized to work according to your and your clients’ needs. It enables workflow efficiency and customizable reporting. Many business owners are also glad at how nicely it reflects their brand, logo, and images while enabling them to fully configure the user interface in the way that suits them.

Customer Interaction

Retail Pro can also be used to help business owners get to know their customers better and engage with them on a more personal level. This is because the software effectively tracks customer history and many other pertinent data. Design- and usability-wise, customers find it very easy to purchase products from the retailer’s website. Cross-selling of items is also possible. For businesses that put a big focus on customer loyalty, Retail Pro is of a great way to track how frequent their customers buy. It also tells them what specific items, materials, and colour they’re interested in.

Retail Pro greatly helps in sales forecasting and inventory planning as well. When utilized the right way, it can increase and double the return on investment in most businesses. It’s a very useful tool that’s currently being used by huge international brands such as Diesel, Mark & Spence, Toys R Us, Loreal, Shiseido, Clinique, Benefit, Marc Jacobs, and Samsonite, among others.

If you’re serious about retail and you want to work with the global leader in retail management software, then find out more about Retail Pro. This software is recognized worldwide for its functionality, capability, and flexibility. It has been providing seamless retail management solutions for over 25 years. It has been the software platform of choice by retailers in more than 130 countries.